EN 54-13

EN 54-13 CERTIFICATE   Obtaining the EN 54-13 certificate constitutes a further step in the strategic partnership between SV, Autronica and Det-Tronics, which will make it possible to offer an increasingly wide range of solutions and products, as well as design, construction, programming, commissioning, onsite and off-site

EN 54-132021-12-13T15:39:29+01:00

Non possiamo che ripartire dal “Made in Italy”.

È indubbiamente un periodo di grande complessità, in cui alle incertezze ereditate dal 2019, si sono aggiunte le conseguenze della pandemia, con impatti oggettivamente evidenti su tutto il sistema economico. Eppure, nonostante la severità di questo shock, vediamo i presupposti per una ripartenza per il nostro Paese. Ripartenza che non potrà

Non possiamo che ripartire dal “Made in Italy”.2020-10-30T15:47:19+01:00


EXFIRE360 in the atex area FIRE PREVENTION FORUM 2018 THANKS The EXFIRE360 control unit in step with the new ATEX standards A warm greeting to all our readers and customers, it is not uncommon to see how in the fire & gas systems the detection of flammable gases is underestimated from a certification standpoint,

EXFIRE360 ATEX2019-08-27T15:39:31+02:00


FIRE-FIGHTING ADDRESSABLE SISTEM EN/UL/FM fIre-fighting addressable sistem en/ul/fm It is often the case that SV is committed to commissions worthy of note for its peculiarities, dimensions, innovations and today, with pride, we wish to share with you on an important foreign contract that sees an EN / UL / FM system with redundant control


fire detection video

 fire detection  fire detection video by SV Sistemi di Sicurezza presentation video of sv sistemi di sicurezza, our company thanks to her 30 years of experience in firefighting and fire & gas, is happy to present this video, to let you see how we operate and our products

fire detection video2017-12-15T16:11:49+01:00